I was recently asked about the most important characteristic of a leader, and this led me to thinking about all the characteristics, habits and stories of great leaders I’ve written and spoken about over the years. I created a list and then narrowed it down to the top three beginning with the most important characteristic. Here they are! Do you agree? What would you change? Let me know what you think here.
1) Integrity -The word integrity comes from the word “integer” which means “whole” and “complete”. A leader with integrity is whole and complete. There are no gaps in their character. There is no disconnection between what they say and do. They say what they are going to do and they do what they say. They do the right thing even when no one is watching. As a result, a leader with integrity can be trusted. I wrote in my book The Sale, that the research shows that integrity is the number one way to build trust and create success. It’s also the key to leadership because if people don’t trust you they won’t follow you. If they trust you they will be committed to you.
2) Optimism - Pessimists don’t change the world. Throughout history it’s the optimists, the believers, and the positive leaders who make the greatest impact. Great leaders believe in people and they believe the best is yet to come. Because they believe in a brighter and better future they work hard and rally others to create it. Leadership is a transfer of belief. When a leader believes they inspire those they lead to believe and this belief leads to amazing accomplishments.
3) Care - Great leaders care about their mission, product, service, responsibility and team. This care is contagious and causes others to follow them. People follow those who care about what they are doing, building, creating and leading and they are committed to those who care about them. If you don’t care about your mission and people they will feel it, know it and be disengaged because of it. But if you truly care you will make the time to build relationships. Your energy and care will draw people to you, your mission and your leadership. A leader who cares builds a team that cares and caring is the difference between average and greatness.
The best part about these three characteristics is you can choose to lead and live with them. They are not skills you learn. They are the decisions and choices you make. Keep it simple:
1) Do the right thing.
2) Believe in what’s possible and believe in others more than they believe in themselves.
3) Care about your people and they will care about you and your mission.